Charlotte Conlin


How did you discover the Lakes? I’ve lived near the lake for decades (once I left the prairies). On windy rainy days when I rode my bike home from work in a brutal headwind, working on my Flemish tan, I’d see a few black specks on the water and thought - who surfs on a lake? Years later, I realized, the answer was me - I could surf on a lake.

What inspires you about the LS Community? Robin and Nadia Baer were me first mentors.

Surfing gave me a road back to myself. I’ve met most of my closet friends - women with whom I’d trust my life and fears and weaknesses. The LS community helped me get through a failed marriage and all that goes with it. I have found me with them

Favourite places to surf? Wherever Robin and Shazia are heading - lol. Or ABay. Because it’s just down the street and everyone knows about it so I’m not giving anything away

What scares you? I am scared of hold downs. And of the possibility that my last thoughts will be - Oh. Fuck.

What do you love? I love my kids. Beyond words. And coffee. I love my kids more than I love coffee. But sometimes I love wine more than my kids. I’m ok with that.

What’s your motto? Breathe. Just breathe. Now, think

Give us your fav quote: - I think that somehow, we learn who we really are and then live with that decision - Eleanor Roosevelt